Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An Honor

Tara Performing Arts High School: Commencement Speech: Class of 2011
June 22, 2011
Nomad Theater, Boulder CO

It is in HONOR and GRATITUDE that I stand in front of you, the Tara Performing Arts High School Class of 2011 – Tara’s 10th graduating class! Just as all of us here gaze upon you today, so too does the world gaze and wait with bated breath for your footsteps to grace its soil. Yes, you have travelled and explored already, yes, many a rich and magical experience you have had, and oh boy are there many, many MANY more that lie ahead of you.

I can remember and live into the feelings that you all must have right now. And I want to acknowledge them, in this moment - sink into them before taking the next steps forward today. Note your emotions of excitement, vision, accomplishment, peace, ripeness that stir in your heart and spirit.

Parents, Grandparents, family, teachers, and friends - you are most definitely filled with emotions as well –bittersweet tinges of excitement and nervousness, sadness, joy, and deep pride in these amazing beings that sit before you. I ask you all to breathe into these feelings, into their crevices, nooks and crannies and sink into the magic resonating in this incredible moment in time. I invite you to gaze at one another, meet one another’s eyes in relishment: this is a moment in all of our lives that will never be forgotten.
A few months ago I had the pleasure to explore the world of the Transcendentalists with this senior class, and the terrain we traversed was inspiring and invigorating – quite possibly even more so for me as teacher than for the Senior class. Their insights, ideas, questions and curiosity blew me away and filled my heart and spirit. In spending time with them this past year, and the year prior, I witnessed their shining and their brilliance first hand. Who could not while in their presence? Over the course of the two week main lesson block that we shared this past Autumn, the light of truth and clarity that this senior class radiates – together and as individuals – sparked my soul, inspired me to strive harder, look deeper, and step more into alignment with my Truth.  

When I was asked to stand here today and give this commencement speech, my thoughts drifted back to this Fall and our time spent together, mining the mind and soul and spirit for truth. I was delighted at the prospect of having the chance to give back to these beautiful souls a bit of the inspiration that they had given to me.

 In thinking about this class, I am struck by two things. The dynamism of this group together, and the dynamism of this group as individuals. I don’t know that I have ever known an ensemble that is so cohesive in their interdependence. We witnessed this in shining brilliance in the performance of Guys and Dolls this past weekend, and as it was onstage, so it was in the classroom. In our main lessons, the discussions were deep, rich, varied and the opinions flew, but they were heard and each individual was recognized. This is a rare gift that you have as a class – to allow others their place even as you hold your own; to stay tuned to your own pitch even as a variety of melodies whirl around you.  This ability will serve you immensely in all your years to come.   

Every time I am in the presence of this class, I feel as if I am cloaked in a radiant, vibrating embrace of LIGHT.  And now as they take their steps away from one another, we will see and feel even more clearly that the light is in all of them together, but this light indeed is EACH of them - and it will only get brighter and brighter as they live their rich lives. Every one of you is a MAGICAL FORCE of spirit. All of us here today see it, we feel it, and know it. In the time ahead, you might forget this magic within yourselves, you might lose sight of your path, your windows might get fogged by inner turbulence or despair. But look to one another, look to us, your family, friends, teachers and community, for we know and see and will always know and see you as the authentic WONDERS that you truly are. Even if you cannot see your own light, it is there, illuminating the world around you in brilliance and clarity. And all you have to do is just -  be  - you.

Class of 2011, my highest wish in speaking with you today is to instill within each of you the kernel of unbreakable self-knowledge that you are absolutely AMAZING. Every single one of you. And all of us FEEL this. It is clear, it is palpable. As you meet more and more people in your lifetimes, the urge to “assimilate” might fall upon you. The call of the rat race, the norms of society, the shouts and chants of “BE like US! SAME is good! Fit IN! Don’t choose difference!” These chants and taunts may be loud, they may feel overpowering, you may feel daunted, like an oddball, like a character from Hamlet suddenly plopped into a scene in Guys and Dolls… A desire to get back on the well-travelled path and “mindlessly fit in” may tempt and overtake you. “But this above all, to thine own self be true.” ”Trust thyself, every heart beats to that iron string.” When you are true to yourself, the universe vibrates with you. From your experiences at Tara - through your classes, your teachers, your peers, the plays and musicals, rehearsals and adventures, you have been given the tools of self reflection and self knowledge. And as the beat of the “normal” drum pounds in your ears in the years to come, trust in these tools, trust in your knowledge of your self, your wisdom of right and wrong, of what is best for YOU. You are not normal my friends. You are extraordinary. In Walt Whitman’s words: “You are so much sunshine in every square inch.”

As extraordinary beings, you have two tasks; to shed your light responsibly and conscientiously, assisting others in seeing their light and allowing them to shine, and, to take care of yourself. These two responsibilities rely on the other.  As beings of light and goodness, you quite naturally assist others in shining – and when you shine brightest, you give others the permission and inspiration to do so as well. In shining, you may also attract some darkness, and those that want to take some of your light. Thus, taking care of your self is of VITAL importance. This seemingly simple act of self-care – keeping that light shining bright!- can be more difficult than it sounds. There is so much we want to DO and BE and strive for! But our bodies are our instruments, our spirits need tending to, and we need to keep them in primo condition for optimum play.

Some simple reminders and tools for self-care:

1.     Ask for help. Asking for help is not “showing weakness”; think about every time some one has asked you for help, and how honored that made you feel. Never did you think, “Wow, they need HELP? Pshaww… that’s stupid”. No. In the asking for help, not only are you helping yourself, but you are also offering up an opportunity for someone to feel special, to feel needed. It feels good to be asked, and it feels good to give. True friends and loved ones always want to be there for you, and will be, especially when asked.
2.     Listen to your body. This means resting when you need to, moving through the world at you own pace, respecting your body’s needs, and doing this with the surety that the world will not pass you by, you will not be left behind by slowing down and being gentle with yourself. In fact, you will come out ahead, because you will have greater energy, clarity and stamina in the long run – you will be fueled by self-love and inner peace. This simple act may be more difficult to manage than you might think. Our culture is a forward, progress and goal oriented one, and it is easy to forget about these inner goals –like happiness in BEING (not DOING), peace, contentment. YES – I know you want to do, I can feel that charging horse energy coming from your spirits! And by all means FOLLOW this, RIDE it when you have this energy! But note when it ebbs, and take a nap.
3.     Another basic aspect of life that we all tend to forget about is breathing. Through the simple act of awareness of your breath, you can re-connect to your core in an instant. As performers, you know how breath aids in singing, speaking and dancing, and so it is in the play of LIFE as well. So, find quiet spaces and time for YOU. Take the time to take stock of what you have done, to look at and reward yourself for the seeds you have planted. Give yourself the recognition you deserve. You deserve the best, so go ahead and give it to yourself, do not wait for it to be granted. In times of self-nurturance, seeds of brilliance are planted.
4.     Listen to your intuition. By being gentle with yourself, breathing, listening to your body, your intuition will be strengthened. You have all practiced your intuitive inner sense over the years here at Tara. It is indeed what led you to Tara in the first place! That knowing of what is RIGHT and GOOD for YOU.
5.     My last little seed of practical wisdom is to know that CHANGE is constant. Everything changes. There is a deep surety in this knowing. Everything is impermanent, and although at times things may seem unbearable, overwhelming, they will pass. And what shall remain? YOU. You at the heart and center of it. “It” being LIFE. 

My extraordinary friends, I am ecstatic at the thought of you, as beacons of light, stepping out into the world and setting it on fire. You are magical, inspiring, authentic, brave, soulful, and talented, may you always step with the deep knowledge of your unique gifts, may you know that you are always loved, and may you know that anything that you can imagine, you have already earned.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I recently realized that my sense of time is different from the "real" time. Meaning, I think it will take me a certain amount of time to do something, and it usually takes much (much) more. I know this on a basic level, but am frequently trying to push it - push it faster. A major component of my self work right now lies in giving myself permission to settle into my own rhythm. I am quite adept at helping others recognize, find and sink into their rhythmic sources, yet can still use a tune up in paying attention to my own. Relaxing into and accepting the fact that it takes me at minimum 20 minutes to shower, dress, get ready, instead of thinking I can do it in 8. Yes. Eight minutes. (Really? I giggle at myself... all the women out there I am sure are laughing with me, as we know that eight minutes basically gets you to the point of being nudely and rinsed - no hair, make-up, jewelry, clothes, shoes, teeth brushed, contacts, water, food for the day, purse, cell phone finding, etc...)

So, why do I write all this? I am committed to giving myself the time I need and deserve. Yes, I can do things quickly, but I do not want to do things quickly. I want to savor, relish, mmmm, ahhh,,, soak in, be satiated from head to toe and LOVE it. We rarely give ourselves this time and space. The Europeans get it. Us Americans? No.  "More is better, speed is good, no sleep, caffeine, go go go!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eeek. Please. I don't want this. That's why I ride my bike everywhere. It allows for the natural passing and progression of time. I peddle along at my own pace and have time to think, watch, and most importantly feel the ground that is under me and between me and my destination.

So, cheers to TIME. And to the abundance of it. Oh yes, there is a lot of time. How shall we soak it in?

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sometimes the clarity comes OUT of the chaos. I have experienced this over the past few months: the burning away of old truths - that were true and good at the time, but are no longer applicable to where I am now; the breath of realization coming after drowning in the waters of doubt; the "hitting bottom" and realizing that I actually hit center...

And even as I write this, I know that I will spiral through this cycle again. And again. And again. So is life. We learn, and then learn the same pattern and story and solution again in a different way. Our struggles will not go away after "we get that job", after we "meet that man or woman", after we "lose 10, 20, 30 pounds". No. The struggles will always be there, but we can see them as blips in the radar rather than Mt. Everests. We can notice and note them, move through them as if they are normal occurrences, like going pee. :) Do we get angry that we have to go pee every hour or so? No. We just empty, then carry on with our day.

Or, another way to look at it is like a GAME. "Ohhhh!! What obstacle card did I pick THIS time? What am I going to do with that? Hmmm.... Maybe I'll put my cape on and FLY over it, or maybe this time I'll pretend I am a dragon and SCARE it, or maybe I'll just whip out my "shield of fantasticness" card and deflect it for a bit!" OH the options of FUN to be had. We are here to play. How we play the game and who we choose to be on our team determines how much fun we will have. Time outs are always allowed. And Do-overs are encouraged. You can also re-write the rules if you'd like. So, please, PLAY. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Body Wisdom

Hello tummy growling in the middle of the night! What is it you are saying to me? Hunger? Physical, yes, and creative. I get up, in search of fulfillment. My heart is pounding, I am tired, and there is an ache in me. For more... for richness and creating.... perhaps had I paid attention to these signals during the day I would not be awake at this late hour.  Certainly, these signals were beating through my veins - the hunger, physically, yes, but also the creative desires, the need to fulfill my creative appetite. I am so good at not listening to that appetite. Aren't so many of us? And I do think it is a "not listening"; it is not that that voice is silent - oh it speaks - but we have turned our ears and hearts away from it. We have said no to its impracticality and unwillingness to "fit in" to any rhythm or mold. It is not to be scheduled - unless we open time for it to awaken.
This is my calling. To help others to hear this creative beat. To assist others in finding and regaining a sense of trust in their inate creative self. We all are Wise Creatives. Some times we just misplace the ears with which to "listen rightly".  Let's find our ears together.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inspiration through Others

I work today on a commencement speech that I am honored to give coming up in a few weeks. This speech is for a class that has inspired and enriched my life deeply - in more ways than they may ever know or realize. This is a lesson for me in writing it - knowing how much they have positively affected me, and taking that experience, and applying it to myself - that I have inspired others and not known it or seen it or recognized it. And how did these bright human spirits inspire me the most? By being THEMSELVES. Authentically. Richly. By questioning, questing, striving, searching, and listening to their inner guides... they are wise young minds. But they are old souls. In teaching them, they taught me oh so much more... this is what I love most about teaching, what I get! In the best circumstances, it is the best "job" ever. What a magical blessing that I get to speak to them on this precipice from which they are about to soar...

"You have no idea how unimportant is all that the teacher says or does not say on the surface, and how important what he himself is as teacher." Rudolf Steiner, creator of Waldorf education said this... a fantastic reminder (for all of us  - for we are all students and teachers!)